
a large beach ball has a diameter of 4.14 feet. How much air can fill the ball?

Accepted Solution

The beach ball can hold 37.15 cubic feet of airSolution:Given that the beach ball has a diameter of 4.14 feetWe are asked to find how much air can fill the ball. This means that we have to find the volume of the ballFinding volume of ball:Given diameter = 4.14 feet We know that radius is half of diameter[tex]radius = \frac{diameter}{2}[/tex][tex]radius = \frac{4.14}{2} = 2.07[/tex]Since ball is a sphere, Volume of sphere is given as:[tex]volume of sphere = \frac{4 \pi r^3}{3}[/tex]By substituting the value of radius we get,[tex]v = \frac{4 \pi \times 2.07^3}{3}\\\\v = \frac{4 \times 3.14 \times 8.869743}{3}\\\\v = 37.15[/tex]Hence the beach ball can hold 37.15 cubic feet of air